Part 2 of 6
Don't Ask 1.1 - (Don't Tell) is a simple, tiny app (autopart) that adds
a button (at lower left) in the standard keyboard so that you can turn off/on the "Do
you want to add..." prompt, which you may find annoying or sometimes desirable. When
dot is hollow (default), words pass through to the dictionary prompt. When dot is solid,
the dictionary prompt does not appear (it's blocked/overridden). This Newt source file
(dontask.nwt) and the associated Newt-generated package (DontAsk.pkg) are shareware $5.
Nick's Fort Knox is the safe way to hide all of
your PINs and passwords on your Newton. Features include a time lock when intruders
detected, an intruder log and a varieable character set for possible Pins including text,
ink and graphics. Credit: logic tools, Nick Müller, München.
GeekSafe 1.01 is a handy freeware application
which lists all those private passwords and numbers that you wouldn't want to fall into
the wrong hands. GeekSafe is PIN secure, small, and best of all -- it's free! If you've
used a previous beta version of GeekSafe, use the included cleaner before installing the
latest. This version includes major interface and features updates, as well as a few
important fixes. Credit: Newtopia.
IfFound is a simple application which produces a
tap-dismiss Owner Info screen which runs on startup. The idea is not to provide a security
layer similar to PIN entry, but to help your Newton find its way home should you lose it.
The author has released this package as a fully functional software version and requests a
$5.00 donation if you find the product useful. Credit: Arnold Kim of Nemesis Productions.
Igor 1.0 - IGOR speeds up Intelligent Assistant
and removes the 15 word limitation on a phrase. Newton Intelligent Assistant is a good
idea, but the performance under 1.x of the Newton OS was unbearable. Newton OS 2.0 fixes
some problems, but there are still a few things that can be improved. IGOR was written to
overcome these problems. Only applications that register with IGOR will see the
performance improvement. Works with 1.x and 2.0.
InTheDark 1.0 - by Don Louv copyright 1996. All rights reserved. In
TheDark is freeware. Send bug reports to InTheDark@bestat.com. You can drag the button bar
to another location by tapping along the edge and dragging. The white box at the bottom of
your Newton screen turns the backlight on and off (on a 130) while the gray box opens or
puts away the InTheDark button bar. The bar will place your newton buttons on the screen
in any position. It works in rotated position as well. Requires OS 2.0. This app should be
loaded into internal RAM, not a card.
the problem of losing 50 seconds with every restart. Freeware. Credit: Stand Alone
KwikMenu 1.0 Test Drive - KwikMenu is an
extremely fast dashboard to the Newton PDA that reduces many multi-step operations to just
two taps. Includes KwikText-- to store commonly-used words, addresses, phrases etc. and
recall via a name you assign. &127&127 KwikMenu lets you quickly: create a new
meeting, note or todo, connect to your desktop computer, send/receive mail, restart,
change font characteristics, create a glossary entry (KwikText) from selected text,
copy/paste using multiple clipboards, connect to the Inspector (a developer's tool), type
personal info (ie. name, address, phone etc.), dial a selected number, rotate the screen
and more.&127 30 day demo.
LightsOn 1.0 - is a simple 4k application that allows you to turn the
light on and off from your extras drawer. Requires Newtons with OS2.0. By Nico teWinkel,
Ranch Computing.
LightSwitch 1.0 - This package adds a small button to the backdrop
application that lets you toggle the state of the backlighting on and off. It is very tiny
and very fast and works well with the Power On Backlight control in PowerPrefs 2.0. Note
that not all backdrop apps show auxillary buttons. Right now this only works on a MP130.
If you install it on a Newton device without a backlight nothing happens. If you install
it on a pre-Newton 2.0 device it will probably display an error. You can install this on a
card without getting the "Remount" message when you eject but be aware that the
extension uses more heap memory this way. Installed internally it uses less heap.