Part 1 of 6
buttons and alarms for the built-in alarm and notification features of the Newton. New
buttons include: Assist, Forget It, Star Icon for alarms, and Snooze. 30 day shareware.
Credit: Stand Alone Software.
1.01 helps stabilize the Newton's contrast settings via temperature control. The latest
version fixes a bug in the background calculations of the package and increases
performance of the contrast conditions temperature assessment. Since screen contrast may
vary by room temperature, this package will make contrast adjustments for temperature
automatically. Credit: Richard C.L. Li.
Autolite - this is a Newton extension that Turns Backlighting on at 7
PM, and back off at 6AM. The author is available for source or custom Programming Jobs.
Credit: James Yopp, Intronics - PDCJohnS@aol.com.
Do you always use your Newton in landscape
orientation when you use the keyboard and always in portrait orientation when the keyboard
is unplugged? Then you might find this utility useful. Auto Rotate adds an option to your
preferences in which you can preset 2 screen orientations, one for with and one for
without keyboard. At power-on the Newton automatically rotates the screen to the
preset orientation, or if you set 'no change' it will keep the current orientation.
Besides rotating Auto Rotate can turn your backlight on at power on. This version is for
MP2x00s. Credit: Tim van Halteren.
This Newton Extension places an invisible button behind the area of the
silkscreened keys. The preferences are located in Extras, Prefs (may you have to change
the folder to Setup) followed by Backlight Control Button 1.6. Once in the preferences you
could drag around the grey square to set the invisible button position. Backlight Control
Button works in portrait and landscape mode! The position of the invisible button will
stay at the same place in both orientations. Backlight Control Button it's faster and
hopefully better than always messing around with the power switch!
Backlight Plus adds additional controls to your
Newton's backlight! Now, you can have the backlight on all of the time, or from specified
times during the day! Backlight Plus also adds a button to one of the screen corners for
easy access to toggling the backlight on and off. When installed, Backlight Plus will
initially create a small button in the upper left hand corner of your Newton screen. Tap
on it to turn on or off the backlight. You can adjust Backlight Plus' preferences from
Prefs in the Extras Drawer. Credit: Foundation Systems. FREEWARE!
When was the last time I changed the battery in the smoke detector? When
was the last time I changed the batteries in ye olde couch potato remote? How about in my
trusty Newt? If you can't remember (or would like to), then Battery Change is for you!
What is it you ask? Just my latest Stationery creation for Newton's running version 2.x of
the OS! Install the package with your favorite utility (Newton Backup Utility will work as
will others...), restart your Newt (give the belly-button a poke), and you'll notice a new
package in the Extras:Extensions Folder. This gem will add another choice to your list of
Notepad choices -- specifically you'll see a "Battery Change" Choice. Give it a
Panel lets you set five features of your Newton according to the time of day and power
source: Alarms, Sleep Delay, Open Applications, Backlighting, and Worksites. 30 day
shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
is an extension to the preferences roll. After installing you can change the countries
existing in the Newton OS, or add new countries. Latest version includes expanded
currency options and a fix for country modification errors. Countries is $10 shareware.
Before registration, changes are not saved. Credit: Softwarebüro
Daylight Savings is an extension to the
preferences roll in setup. After installing you can change the various daylight saving
times in the Newton. You can add new daylight savings too and assign a daylight saving to
a country (the assignment to a city you do as usual with Time Zone). This becomes
necessary since in some countries the daylight saving time was changed after finishing the
Newton ROM or - as in Australia and New Zealand - the necessary daylight savings won't
exist. NOTE: After installing you can find Daylight Savings in the extras folder
"Setup" by tapping "Preferences". Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Crypt is a simple package which allows Newton users to en- and decrypt text on the
MessagePad. Users simply select the text to encrypt, then click Encrypt Selection on the
Button Bar. Decryption is just as simple, and is password enabled. In the latest release,
the window where the decrypted text is shown closes after 20 seconds automatically. For
usage instructions and time limit information, see the included readme files.
Credit: Marcel Strittmatter, Dinoware.
Don't Ask 1.0 - Don't Ask (Don't Tell) is a simple, tiny app (autopart)
that adds a button (at lower left) in the standard keyboard so that you can turn off/on
the "Do you want to add..." prompt, which you may find annoying or sometimes
desirable... When dot is hollow (default), words pass through to the dictionary prompt.
When dot is solid, the dictionary prompt does not appear (it's blocked/overridden). This
Newt source file (dontask.nwt) and the associated Newt-generated package (DontAsk.pkg) are
shareware ($5).