Part 3 of 6
LockIt 1.1 Demo - This is an evaluation version
of LockIt you could us this version for seven days. If you need a full version please see
ordering details. LockIt locks the access to Names, Dates, Extras, Find and Assist. If you
are using a custom Newton application and you would like, that the users only use this
application you should use LockIt. LockIt is a self activating application, who locks the
Names, Dates, Extras, Find and Assist buttons. Also after a reset LockIt is activated. If
the user selects for example the Names button he will be prompted for a password to
continue. When he enters the right password LockIt will be deactivated. Requires NOS 2.0.
Master Key - a small Newton Extension that adds
functionality to the existing Newton password/PIN protection. It should only be added to
the Internal store of a newton and not onto memeory cards as removing the card will remove
the functionality. It adds a '"Master Key" Preference to the general Newton
Prefs after it is installed. This means as well as the normal PIN number working another
"Master" PIN number will also get you through the start-up screen. This is only
for use with existing Newton Message PADs 120s and 130s that are running version 2.0 of
the operation system. This extension is mainly useful for vertical markets and System
administrators who have to control a number of Newtons which need to be password protected
for their data but also have the need for the users to be able to change their own PIN
numbers in the Normal way.
Minimizer 1.03 provides the capability to
minimize programs on screen, accessible via a star at the top of the screen. With
Minimizer, Newton users may also drag NOS 1.x program windows which were previously
un-dragable. The most recent release fixes some common compatibility issues. The latest
version fixes a rare, unexpected hang problem. Credit: Avi Drissman.
NewtonUnlock 2.1 - NewtonUnlock is a small (9k)
utility which allows you to bypass the password protection on a Newton. There is also a 6k
help file that may be loaded for online help. If NewtonUnlock is stored on a card, simply
install the card when the Newton asks for the password. Wait for the Newton to read the
card, and "poof" you're into the Newton. If NewtonUnlock is stored on the
internal RAM, do a reset. The password screen will close soon after opening, and you're
into the Newton. Once into your Newton, run NewtonUnlock from the "Extras"
drawer and remove the password. This version places logs in the notification to allow
someone to check if their Newton was broken into. Freeware. Works on 2.0 also.
NoPasswordInk 2.0 - NoPasswordInk turns off the
pen's ink when you enter the password into the Newton's builtin password screen. This
allows for more security because you don't have to worry about people looking over your
shoulder while the Newton translates the ink into your password. You can install this
program on your card or internal memory, but it works better if you install it internally.
If you install it on the card then you will have to wait for NoPasswordInk.pkg to be
loaded before it is useable. Installing internally the package will be loaded quicker so
that you can start writing your password right away without needing to wait for the memory
card to load.
No Sleep is a program that will keep Newton from
going to sleep when Newton's AC adapter is powering it. No matter what sleep time you have
set, Newton will remain alive. Credit: DMP Systems.
No Sleep is a program that will keep Newton from
going to sleep when Newton's AC adapter is powering it. No matter what sleep time you have
set, Newton will remain alive. Credit: DMP Systems.
NStyle 0.5 - Tired of the plain old Simple and Fancy fonts in just a few
sizes? Want to write in size 72? Ever need to draw a line more than 4 pixels wide (try 8)?
Want to change something to all upper case, lower case, capitalize, or capitalize words?
Then nStyle is for you! This app replaces the built-in Styles app (and launches from that
icon). You can use it just like the normal styles app. It just let's you do more. nStyle
does not show up in your Extras drawer, but is launched from clicking on Styles.
After installing this little application, you can
change some undocumented options - like freeze - on Newton 2.x systems. The latest
update includes Backlight at Power On and more flexible battery low warnings. A full
features list includes the ability to: change the amount of the subsequently correctable
words, set the number of clipboards to more than one, activate Freezing to save heap
space, set Undo-Redo default instead of Undo-Undo, close Extras always after opening.
NOTE: After installing you can find Options in the extras folder
"Setup" by tapping "Preferences". Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Package Popup 1.2 - Quickly popup a list of all installed packages, and
launch any with a tap (automatically thawing and re-freezing them if they're frozen.) Also
rotate the screen from the NotePad, and restart or put the Newton to sleep. Shareware,
$15. This demo will expire after 30 days. Requires Newton OS 2.0.
passKeep is a complete password manager. Newton
users may store passwords to computer accounts, web sites, ftp sites and more. With
passKeep, users no longer have to sift through Notes to find a jotted down password. The
software's easy and consistent interface make password storage and retrieval as painless
as possible. Along with passwords, users may store software serial numbers to assist when
calling tech support or upgrading. New features include password change history, Accounts
information similar to Owner Info, Data Encryption and more! Credit: Sine of the Times.