Worksite AddOn



Worksite AddOn expands the informations in a worksite by company, address and phone numbers. In addition on changing the worksite, the appropriate informations in the owner info are replaced by the data from the worksite. So the proper address and phone/fax numbers are printed on a fax for example.


Please make a backup first. It's always a good idea to backup your device before you install a new program. Even if we have tested all of our programs very intense, because of the variety of existing programs and system configurations no one can guarantee that no problem will occur.

Tranfer the Worksite.pkg file to your Newton OS device by using an appropriate package installation program, like NBU, NCU or the Newton Package Installer.


Many Newton users have noticed that entering a company name, an address and phone numbers is possible for owners but not for worksites. This will be a problem for users which are changing their worksite regularly. If you i.e. send a fax then for the sender the appropriate data from the owner will be transmitted. So also the fax number of the owner will be transmitted, even if the actual worksite will have a different one. The only solution till now was to create several owners with the appropriate informations in it. However there must be a unique name for each user to distinguish them in the appropriate picker. But if a different name is choosen then all the software which is registered on a owner name will loose it's registration at this moment.

After installing Worksite AddOn you can enter a company name, an address and phone numbers (telephone, fax, mobile, ...) for each of the worksites in Extras/Owner-Info. To do this, first please choose the desired worksite and select 'All Infos' from 'Show'. Now you can choose 'Company', 'Address' and 'Phone' from 'Info' just as for owners and enter the appropriate data. If you change the worksite later, all these informations in the owner are replaced by the informations from the selected worksite.
