Prefs. Patch



'Prefs. Patch' will correct the bug in the Newton OS regarding the partially scroll of the close box in the preferences roll.



Please make a backup first. It's always a good idea to backup your device before you install a new program. Even if we have tested all of our programs very intense, because of the variety of existing programs and system configurations no one can guarantee that no problem will occur.

Transfer the PPatch.pkg file to your Newton OS device by using an appropriate package installation program, like NBU, NCU or the Newton Package Installer.



Because it is a patch, it has no user interface. It will simply correct this:

ppatch1.gif (3125 Byte)

so you will see that

ppatch2.gif (3150 Byte)



Prefs. Patch will install only on Newton OS 2.1 devices, because the bug which it should correct is only in this OS version.