Extras Layout



This little application installs an additional button "Layout" in the extras drawer. After tapping this button you can modify the spacing for the icons in the extras and in the button bar. Further you can set the font for displaying the text under the icons.



Please make a backup first. It's always a good idea to backup your device before you install a new program. Even if we have tested all of our programs very intense, because of the variety of existing programs and system configurations no one can guarantee that no problem will occur.

Transfer the Layout.pkg file to your Newton OS device by using an appropriate package installation program, like NBU, NCU or the Newton Package Installer.



Open the extras drawer and tap on the 'Layout' button.

layout.gif (3762 Byte)

You can change the horizontal and vertical spacing for the icons in the extras drawer by tapping the two left number controls. For changing the spacing of the icons in the button bar you will use the number control at the right.

Also you can change the font in family, size and style which will be used for the text in the extras drawer and the button bar.

If you have changed something, you will see the effect instantly.



Note that changing the horizontal spacing only will result in a visible change, if there will fit more or fewer icons in a row.

You can use builtin fonts only. This is to avoid problems which will occur if you remove a font used in extras.

Tap the 'Defaults' button to reset all settings to their default values.