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UnlimitedFolders 2.02 is a complete folder management utility for your Newton.

Here are some of the features it adds to your Newton.

  • Display a popup menu when the folder icon is tapped within all applications (allows you to customize that menu too).
  • Allows an unlimited number of global and local folders. It does this by seamlessly extending the built-in interface.
  • Allows you to easily and quickly manage all of your folders from one concise screen.
  • Allows you to create sub-folders and have a seamless hierarchical filing system on your Newton.
  • Allows you to change a local folder into a global folder.
  • Allows you the option to create a new folder and then have the item automatically filed in that new folder.
  • Search all of your data for missing or deleted folders and allows you to add the folders one at a time.
  • Allows you to do a diagnostic analysis of your folder structure and fix any problems it finds.

UnlimitedFolders 2.0 is $25. You can download the demo and use it for 30 days from the time you install any version of UnlimitedFolders.

If you already own version 1.0, simply delete it and install this new version and it will automatically unlock. This version is a free upgrade to all registered users.

Version 2.02 contains several bug fixes and some enhancements to improve performance. We recommend that everyone using UnlimitedFolders upgrade to 2.02.

Upgrading to version 2.02 might require you to first freeze the older version of UnlimitedFolders, restart your Newton and then delete the old version. Then you will be able to install the newer version.


UnlimitedFolders Demo - 30 day demo from the time of first install- StuffIt

UnlimitedFolders Demo - 30 day demo from the time of first install - Zip

Support: support "at" silverware "dot" com (replace "at" with @ and "dot" with .)
Comments, Complaints, Compliments: info "at" silverware "dot" com
Last Modified: Tuesday, 20-Apr-1999 08:02:51 EDT
Copyright © 1997-2007 SilverWARE Software