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TravelTracker 3 Power User Tips

  • If you are viewing a particular entry (ie flight, hotel reservation), you can use the up/down buttons to scroll through all of the entries in that trip.
  • Within the "On-screen" mileage report is a button named "Add Award." Tapping it allows you to add/remove miles to any of your mileage programs. You can also use this screen to enter starting balances.
  • Tapping on the date range shown in the upper right-hand corner of the itinerary screen allows you to edit the trip details.
  • To customize the "Currency pop-up list" to include additional currencies, simply launch the built-in Expense application, tap on a currency popup and select "Edit currencies..." TravelTracker uses the currencies defined in the Expense application rather than define its own.
  • Tap on the title of any of TravelTracker's forms to display the menu for that form.
  • When entering a time in TravelTracker, remember that you can also write the time using Graffiti, in addition to the standard method of using the up and down arrows to select the time.
  • In the hotel, car rental, meal and transport forms, if you have selected a name from your Address List and you tap on the arrow icon beside the name, it will launch the Address List to that company's listing. Now if you go back to TravelTracker, the form you where last viewing will be displayed. So, if you have a quick way to launch TravelTracker, you can jump back to the last form you where editing quickly.
  • If you want TravelTracker to remember more than 8 of your most frequently used airports, then go into the Flight Prefs screen and set the "Frequent airports" option to "2 screenfuls." The only disadvantage to this is that when you are selecting an airport from the frequent list, you might need to scroll down one time.

More tips to come


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Last Modified: Wednesday, 20-Dec-2000 06:25:05 EST
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