LinkPak is a collection of applications that replace the four main built-in applications. AddressLink, DateLink, MemoLink and ToDoLink appear and work exactly like their built-in counterparts except for one important feature. Each of the link-enabled applications contain a Link button wherever an individual item can be selected. For instance, when viewing or editing a particular address in AddressLink, a Link button is displayed. Tapping the link button allows you to create links among the four applications. Tapping the link button for an item which has links displays a pop-up list. Selecting an item will then launch the appropriate application and display the selected entry. LinkPak's new low price is $14.95 For Palms running OS 4.x and 5.x and greater
For Palms running OS 3.5
This version is a full functional demo version that will work for 30 days from the time you first install it. Installation - Download and decompress either the Zip or StuffIt archive. Then install all six applications (.prc files) Once installed, launch the LinkPak. It will ask you if you want to assign the four round applications buttons to the new link-enabled applications. Tap Yes. Then go ahead and launch anyone of the link-enabled applications by tapping on anyone of the four application buttons at the bottom of your Palm device. Upgrading - If you are upgrading, simply delete all of the link-enabled apps (MemoLink, DateLink, ToDoLink & AddrLink) and install the new ones. Please also be sure to delete the old LinkLib and LinkPak apps and install the new ones also. Doing this will not cause you to loose any of the links you have previously created. Compatibility: Since all of the link-enabled applications read and store their information in the built-in databases, they are 100% compatible. In fact, if after the 30 days you decide you do not wish to purchase LinkPak, you can simply go back to using the built-in applications without any problem at all! We want to hear from you! Please tell us what you would like to see in future versions of LinkPak. Click Here to purchase LinkPak using a secure online Order Form
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