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NewtNotes 1.1

NewtNotes is a bibliography program for the Newton. NewtNotes was designed based upon EndNote by Niles & Associates.

NewtNotes allows you to carry around references and to add new references while away from your desktop. Most of you will still use EndNote and a word processor on the desktop to create your final papers.

What's included in the download file

NewtNotes Entry Screen NewtNotes Overview Screen


Features on the Drawing board

New in 1.1

Desktop Connectivity

To upload and download data collected in NewtNotes you need
WildCat for Macintosh or WildCat for Windows.


Pay for NewtNotes online with a credit card at our secure webpage

Download Package

(For Newton OS 2.x only)

Return to : Catamount Software's Home Page

Send comments to: newtnotes@catamount.com

(last modified : Dec 2, 1998)