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CigarBox satisfies the true cigar coniseurs. Track what cigars you currently have, all of the characteristics about them, when you smoked them, who you gave cigars to, or what cigars you wish to try.
- Fields to track
- Cigar
- Brand
- Date Smoked
- Flavor
- Ring Gauge
- Country of Origin
- Length
- Quality
- Rating
- Saved Band - for the band collectors
- Date Purchased
- Purchase Price
- Purchased At
- Inventory status (wanted to buy, in office humidor, in home humidor...)
- Who you gave the cigar to
- Beaming and emailing.
- Find.
- Customizable list view.
- A statistics page that will calculate the purchased versus current value of your collections.
- A general notes page for freeform notes and sketches.
Pay for CigarBox online with a credit card at our secure webpage
Directions: Pick the language and the platform of the version of CigarBox that you need.
- English
- Newton OS 2.x (MP130, MP2000, eMate, and some MP120s)
To translate CigarBox into your language you need to translate one short file to your language. Email me if you are interested.
Return to : Catamount Software's Home Page
Send comments to: info@catamount.com
(last modified : November 20, 1997)