“Family Values” Tories say lesbians should be banned from having children by IVFReactionary politics move further
back towards the Stone Age every year.
![]() Lesbian couples should be blocked from having IVF
treatment unless they agree that a father figure would be
involved in the upbringing of their child, say the
In a sign of David Cameron’s determination to campaign for traditional parenting, the Tories challenged the government to guarantee that couples seeking IVF treatment would have a “male role model” for their child… Lansley told MPs during the second reading debate on the bill: “The government appear to have lost the plot [because it] said the purpose of the legislation would be ‘to ensure that Britain remains at the forefront of medical research’. Legislation is not just about reflecting scientific progress. Because scientists can do something, it does not mean they should.” On the other hand, demagogues and politicians suffering religious fear and trembling shouldn’t be defining what society accepts as scientific standards. Posted: Wed - May 14, 2008 at 10:23 AM |