FBI gag order for Internet Archive is defeated

It never ends, does it?

A nonprofit digital library has successfully fought an FBI attempt to seize information about one of its users, and is calling on other groups to challenge government agencies attempting to obtain online customer information without a judge’s order.

The FBI presented the San Francisco-based Internet Archive with a national security letter in November asking for a library patron’s records. The group sued the agency a month later, alleging the letter violated free speech rights because they prohibit recipients from talking to anyone else about them.

The Internet Archive said Wednesday the FBI agreed to withdraw the letter last week and make the case, which had been filed under seal, public. Sections of the lawsuit and supporting documents detailing what and who investigators were looking into have been blacked out.

National security letters are used to compel businesses to turn over customer information without a judge’s order or grand jury subpoena. They are most typically served on Internet service providers and telephone companies demanding billing records, subscriber information and other electronic communication transactional records.

The companies receiving the letters are barred from telling customers who are the targets of the FBI demands.

I wonder who the FBI recruits nowadays? Has their HR dept. worked up a profile for candidates who want to help build America’s Secret Police?

Posted: Thu - May 8, 2008 at 06:22 AM