Denver discussing commission to prepare for aliens - extraterrestrial aliens that is!

A kinder, gentler alien?

Is this the Denver City Council in session?

A Denver man…wants to ask voters to create a commission dealing with space aliens.

“It is important because if you’re driving down the highway and you saw a crash of a small spaceship and a car or a bus full of kids, you really wouldn’t know what to do,” Jeff Peckman said. “Do you wait for the hazardous materials experts to show up because of potential contaminants from another solar system? What do you do? People really don’t know.”

Peckman, 54, who is single and lives with his parents, has submitted to the city a draft of the proposed ordinance, which would require the creation of an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission.

According to the proposal, the 18-member ET commission would “create a responsible, common-sense strategy for dealing with issues related to the presence of extraterrestrial beings on Earth,” among other tasks.

The Denver City Council will hold a meeting on the ballot initiative at 2 p.m. Thursday in Room 391 of the City and County Building. The meeting is open to the public.

You don’t want to miss it. Bring your camera.

Thanks, Helen

Posted: Mon - May 5, 2008 at 06:23 AM