Happy Birthday, Saddam

Q'elle surprise!

Hundreds of Iraqi schoolchildren were brought to the modest mausoleum of Saddam Hussein on Monday to celebrate the birthday of the executed dictator in the village where he was born.

Saddam, who was hanged in late 2006 for crimes against humanity, is hated in much of Iraq. But in parts of his native Salahuddin Province, especially among his fellow Sunni Arabs, he is still revered.

“Bush, Bush you low-life! Saddam’s blood is not cheap!” a crowd of pupils in white uniforms from a nearby girls’ school chanted while standing around Saddam’s grave in the mausoleum where he is buried among displays and photos of his reign…

Faten Abdel Qader, one of the organizers, said Saddam’s legacy was the memory of a time of peace.

“The children who lived during the age of this man had security. They didn’t know anything about murder, violence or sectarianism,” she said. “An Iraqi woman could hold her head high.”

We already know his blood cost a great deal of lives - and money. Bush is still handing it out.

Posted: Tue - April 29, 2008 at 06:45 AM