Top editor of Wall Street Journal resigns

Rupert takes control.

Marcus Brauchli has stepped down as the top-ranking editor of The Wall Street Journal after less than a year in the job. His resignation comes four months after the News Corporation, led by Rupert Murdoch, took control of the paper…

“Following the change in ownership of Dow Jones and the Journal, I have concluded the time is right to consider new career possibilities,” Brauchli said in a statement. “I revere the Journal and hold my colleagues here, both old and new, in the highest regard. There isn’t a better team in journalism, and I will greatly miss working with them on a daily basis.”

Friends and current and former colleagues, all of whom requested anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter, differed as to whether he was being forced out, or leaving out of frustration.

Brauchli, a former foreign correspondent who has been with Dow Jones since 1984, was named managing editor in April 2007, and took the helm the next month. He was a popular choice in the newsroom, where he is well liked and respected.

Looking around, it’s obvious Brauchli is well liked and respected by his peers throughout the craft.

Posted: Wed - April 23, 2008 at 08:19 AM