France to outlaw anorexia Web sites

Here we go...

In the capital of high fashion and ultrathin models, conservative French legislators have adopted a pioneering law aimed at stifling a proliferation of Web sites that promote eating disorders with “thinspiration” and starvation tips…

With such a law, the French legislators are seeking to tame a murky world of some 400 sites extolling “ana” and “mia,” fond nicknames for anorexia and bulimia. Since 2000, the Web sites have multiplied in different languages with blunt tips on crash dieting, binging, vomiting and hiding weight loss from concerned parents…

In Spain, support groups have emerged to counter the influence of pro-ana Web sites, and government authorities prodded Microsoft to close down four such groups on its social networking site, Live Spaces. Health experts in Britain have also attacked the growth of Web sites that refer to anorexia as “my friend ana.”

What is there to say about self-deception, self-destructive behavior?

Posted: Wed - April 16, 2008 at 09:54 AM