U.S. Embassy ready in Baghdad

The Empire strikes back...

Architecture as inspiring as our Fearless Leaders

After months of delay, the United States has established an embassy in Baghdad, the State Department. After delays, U.S. diplomats will begin moving into the mammoth new heavily fortified embassy next month.

Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy has signed a “certificate of occupancy,” which gives the United States ownership of the heavily fortified embassy compound inside the Green Zone and allows staff to move into its 27 buildings…

A recent spike in insurgent attacks that killed several Americans in the Green Zone prompted the State Department to order U.S. Embassy personnel not to leave reinforced buildings. A shortage of such space has forced some diplomats to temporarily sleep at the new embassy compound, despite the lack of occupancy certification…

The Vatican-size compound, which will be the largest U.S. diplomatic facility in the world, was scheduled to open in September at a cost of $592 million, but the price tag is expected to rise to more than $730 million.

American taxpayers never question a holy cause. We’ll enjoy sustaining this temple to our Middle Eastern Crusade for decades.

Posted: Tue - April 15, 2008 at 06:03 AM