Cheeky election campaign

Certainly not in Cincinnati...

Click for poster - NSFW

She had no desire to be just another smiling face in Italian politics. So when porn star Milly D’Abbraccio designed her campaign posters, it was obvious she was going to show off her bottom.

Targeting her male fan base, the veteran of Italy’s adult entertainment industry has plastered images of her derriere all around the Eternal City in a bid to win a seat in Rome’s city hall.

If elected, D’Abbraccio wants to create a red light area with strip clubs, erotic discos and sex shops called “Love City” just kilometers away from the Vatican…

D’Abbraccio hopes to capitalize on increasing disenchantment with Italian politics. The recession-prone nation votes on Sunday and Monday in elections to pick a prime minister as well as lawmakers, mayors and city councilors.

“People don’t want to see these politicians’ faces anymore,” she told Reuters in an interview from her Rome apartment.

In the privacy of the voting booth, will the Family Values moralists end up voting for her?

Posted: Sat - April 12, 2008 at 06:31 AM