Christian groups challenge embryo research

Ignorance ain't bliss.

Not really certain where the “soul” is in these cells?

Two Christian groups have launched a legal battle against a decision to allow university researchers to create human-animal embryos.

The Christian Legal Centre (CLC) and Comment on Reproductive Ethics (Core) said they had filed papers at the high court seeking…the licences to be revoked so that no further experimentation is carried out.

Embryos created in this way would not be implanted in women or female animals to create young, but would be used to harvest stem cells for experimental purposes before being destroyed.

Backers regard the bill as crucial in making advances in treating and preventing conditions such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cancer and heart disease.

The point of hybrid research is cost-savings and expediting research.

Not that such reasoning will ever halt superstition and fear.

Posted: Wed - April 9, 2008 at 11:11 AM