Boring couple sues Google for posting photo of their house

Boring is as boring does.

A western Pennsylvania couple has sued Google, saying pictures of their home on its Web site violate their privacy and devalued their property.

Images of the home Aaron and Christine Boring bought in the Pittsburgh suburb of Franklin Park in October 2006 appeared on Google’s “Street View” feature, which allows users to find street-level photos by clicking on a map…

Google spokesman Larry Yu said the site indicates that property owners can get the company to removed images if they cite a good reason and can prove they own the property depicted…

Google is not the only Web site with a photo of the Borings’ property.

The Allegheny County real estate Web site has a photo, plus a detailed description of the home and the couple’s names. Similar information, including pictures, of nearly every property in the county is on the Web site.

I try not to lapse into cursing when reflecting upon articles like this one.

In a culture rife with litigious, self-seeking, egregious fools - the Borings are no surprise. Not to me nor, do I imagine, to Google’s attorneys.

Posted: Sat - April 5, 2008 at 02:01 PM