American high school graduation rates suck!


Heading towards the end of Bush’s 8 years of “No child left behind”, the numbers are in and our mediocre public education is farther along towards worthless.

Bush’s response: Change the way we calculate the numbers!

The Bush administration announced Tuesday it will require states to report high school graduation rates in a uniform way instead of using a variety of methods that critics say are often based on unreliable information.

Education Secretary Margaret Spellings announced the change at a news conference at which a report was released showing that 17 of the nation’s 50 largest cities had high school graduation rates lower than 50 percent.

“When more than 1 million students a year drop out of high school, it’s more than a problem, it’s a catastrophe,” said former Secretary of State Colin Powell, founding chair of the alliance.

Trading excuses for lousy administration is in the political DNA of America’s history of state vs. federal government. The end result of the cavil continues to be incompetence.

Maybe it’s time to tear down our educational administration and start from scratch?

Here’s the whole report in .pdf.

Posted: Wed - April 2, 2008 at 12:48 PM