“Citizens should be given direct power to select nominees and elect the president”

Far out, man.

That’s the premise of a bill to be introduced in Congress by Senator Bill Nelson of Florida.

Abolish the Electoral College… the candidate who wins a majority of the votes should win the presidency.

Establish rotating interregional primaries

Provide for nationwide early voting

Allow absentee ballots on demand

Improve vote verification

Fund pilot vote-by-mail and Internet voting

Establish standards for voter registration lists

The article has the details. Shouldn’t be much of a wait for the smokescreen from politicians who want “electoral reform” - as long as it doesn’t challenge the status quo.

No, I have no idea if this will ever get past the do-nothings in Congress - at least part of this proposal will require a Constitutional amendment.

Democracy. Too radical for America?

Posted: Mon - March 31, 2008 at 05:15 AM