Upset about the Pentagon’s air tanker deal? How about outsourcing - like the R.A.F.?

Is there some deep, dark reason for choosing Airbus?

Outsourcing is part and parcel of our government’s credo. They already outsource everything from Bush’s War to security checks on the Border Patrol.

Although, the Brits are outsourcing to a firm that flies Airbus - not Boeing.

It may be the biggest honeymoon secret ever — from 2011, newlyweds can start their dream trip on a Royal Air Force mid-air refueling plane, and the chances are they will be blissfully unaware of their luck.

Britain’s military is leasing a fleet of aerial tankers from a private consortium led by Airbus parent EADS in a landmark outsourcing deal.

The converted A330 passenger jets can carry 60 tonnes of fuel to refuel up to four fighters far away from base or else serve as transporters carrying 300 troops and their equipment.

Officials involved in the project say some of the jets will also double as charter planes for tourists to earn their keep whenever they are not needed to serve the front line.

Posted: Sat - March 29, 2008 at 05:13 AM