Dumb Daddy of the Day


All you silly daddies…

Connecticut State prosecutors say Garrett A. Dalton of Naugatuck dressed up as a woman and ran carrying an egg on a spoon to win Hannah Montana tickets in a contest sponsored by New Haven radio station WPLR.

He was charged with workers’ compensation fraud after someone spotted him on a TV news report about the contest. He did not win the tickets - and returned to work soon after.

Prosecutors say the 41-year-old collected more than $5,000 in workers’ compensation after he reported suffering a work-related injury in June. He was charged with misrepresenting facts about his medical condition and ability to work.

He has been released on a promise to appear April 8 in New Haven Superior Court.

Wonder how his daughter feels about it all?

Posted: Wed - March 26, 2008 at 12:11 PM