Careful using magenta in your logo. You may be sued by Deutsche Telekom.

More abuse of trademark law.

For nearly six months, Erwin Giesbers has gazed every day at the cheerful company flags flapping in the breeze and pondered the hazards of choosing official corporate colors in a screaming shade of magenta.

His company, Compello - an information technology firm in the Dutch town of Zwolle - is locked in a legal struggle with the German giant, Deutsche Telekom, which is pressing the company to get rid of the vivid hues because it claims trademark rights to the color magenta.”

When I first heard of it, I thought it was a joke, but in the last month I’ve had so much pressure,” said Giesbers, the chief executive of Compello, which he started in 1997. “In my opinion, colors are free where you make your own form and format…”
“Some will rob you with a six-gun, and some with a fountain pen.”

Posted: Mon - March 17, 2008 at 06:31 AM