Accountant loses $600,000 grape lawsuit


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An accountant who tried to sue British retail chain Marks & Spencer after he slipped on a grape and injured himself lost his case on Wednesday and was ordered to pay legal costs.

Alexander Martin-Sklan, 55, sued for more than $600,000 over the 2004 incident in which he said a squashed grape from the store got lodged under the sole of his right sandal, causing him to slip and fall.

He said he suffered a ruptured quadricep, adverse psychological effects and depression following the incident, which meant that his business suffered and he could no longer ski or play tennis.

But the judge ruled against him, determining that while there may have been a grape or some “crushed fruit or similar” on the sole of Martin-Sklan’s sandal, he was not persuaded that it “caused the claimant to slip.”


Posted: Thu - March 13, 2008 at 10:13 AM