USDA says it’s none of the Public’s business who ate recalled meat

Politics of cronyism

We covered this latest meat disaster a few weeks back. The coverup continues.

At least 10,000 food distributors sold recalled meat from the shuttered Hallmark slaughterhouse in Chino, CA including ConAgra, General Foods, Nestle and H.J. Heinz and it could still be on store shelves.

But Richard Raymond, USDA undersecretary for food safety, told an incredulous House Appropriation’s agriculture panel this week the information is “proprietary” and would not be released.

Naming names could drive customers away and just “confuse” people say trade groups like the American Meat Institute, Food Marketing Institute and Grocery Manufacturers Association.

The Bush Administration also opposes publicizing retailers’ names in meat recalls…

Everything important to a government crony is a “secret” - doesn’t matter who’s at risk.

Thanks, Mister Justin.

Posted: Sun - March 9, 2008 at 07:15 AM