Steve Jobs made me miss my flight

That'll teach ya'...

Flying is an endless accumulation of indignities.

Same words to the TSA agent. Standard responses. “Doing fine,” whether I am or not.

Only… today, something is different. Instead of my bags trundling through the x-ray machine, she stops the belt. Calls over another agent, a palaver. Another agent flocks to the screen…

They pull my laptop, my new laptop making it’s first trip with me, out of the flow of bags. One takes me aside to a partitioned cubicle…I am made to understand that I should stand and wait. My laptop is on the table in front of me, just beyond reach, like I am waiting to collect my personal effects after being paroled…

I’m standing, watching my laptop on the table, listening to security clucking just behind me. “There’s no drive,” one says. “And no ports on the back. It has a couple of lines where the drive should be,” she continues.

Behind me, I hear the younger agent, perhaps not realizing that even the TSA must obey TSA rules, repeating himself.

“It’s a MacBook Air.”

Always exciting to discover one more way in which our overseers can screw with our lives.

Thanks, TUAW.

Posted: Fri - March 7, 2008 at 10:56 PM