Tijuana faces a decline in tourists - just because of the occasional kidnapping

We don't need no stinking tourists!

"We don't need no stinking tourists!"

In January, US officials warned travellers to Mexico to exercise extra caution given a recent spike in kidnappings of American residents.

According to the FBI, the number of abductions involving US citizens and legal residents along the California part of the border alone more than doubled during 2007 and, since November, has been at the rate of around six per month…

As well as the increasing number of abductions, the FBI was also worried about the fact some of the kidnappings were taking place on American soil, Mr Foxworth added. “Groups will come across the border, abduct people and take them back down to Mexico,” he said…In January, the US state department said 27 Americans had been abducted in Mexico’s northern border region over the previous six months and two of these hostages had been killed. It warned that “US citizens should be aware of the risk posed by the deteriorating security situation” along the border with Mexico.

Tony Garza, the US ambassador to Mexico, has written to senior Mexican officials voicing his concern that growing drug-related violence and kidnappings in northern Mexico would have a chilling effect on cross-border trade and tourism.

Huzzah, huzzah! Our government is right on top of the situation. That letter should solve everything.

Posted: Fri - March 7, 2008 at 12:29 PM