India will pay cash for baby girls to stem sex-preference abortions

Wonder if education will ever surpass culture.

The Indian government plans to give cash incentives to the families of baby girls in an effort to limit the number of abortions of females because of a preference for sons.

Staggered payments would be made to families to “encourage them for better upbringing of girl child and to educate her”, women and child development minister Renuka Chowdhury said in a statement released late Monday…

In India, sons are typically regarded as breadwinners but girls as a burden because of the matrimonial dowry demanded by a groom’s family.

India has strict laws against sex-selective abortion, but there have been only a handful of prosecutions as medical practioners are reputed to have made it a profitable business.

Sad, but, true.

Posted: Thu - March 6, 2008 at 09:06 AM