Is there a rule that says Telecoms must have a heart of stone?

Just habit.

The heartbroken mum of a woman killed in house fire has been told she must pay out $320 to cancel her dead daughter’s phone contract.

Kyrie Knight died in the early hours of New Year’s Day - just a few short hours after sending her mum, Mandy, a text wishing her a happy new year.

She had decided to stay in for a quite night with her five-month-old son, Caden, but died of smoke inhalation when a tea light candle set fire to her lounge in Addlestone…

A week after Kyrie’s death Mandy called mobile company 3 to cancel her daughter’s contract but was told by call centre staff she would have to pay a $400 fee - which was then reduced to $320.

Grieving Mandy, who is already struggling after paying out for her daughter’s funeral, is now forced to pay the $20-a-month contract until she can raise the $320.

It takes next to no effort for a supervisor to override the rules for a CSR. Need be, managers can bump a step higher. Anyone surprised there's still no change, here?

Thanks, K B

Posted: Tue - March 4, 2008 at 07:04 AM