‘FBI fugitives’ = innocent German couple

Quick response time - we've grown to expect.

A couple filmed at the Sicilian resort of Taormina last year have been identified as innocent Germans and not a top FBI fugitive and his girlfriend.

The holidaymakers had been thought to be alleged crime boss James J Bulger, on the run since 1994, and his girlfriend Catherine Grieg.

FBI agents had travelled to Europe to publicise the video after facial recognition experts raised the alert…

The suspect’s face appears on the FBI’s website beneath that of Osama Bin Laden.

So, we’re dealing with the same level of crimefighters who are tracking Osama Bin Laden. Right?

Here’s a newspaper article “revealing” the discovery of Bulger in Taormina. Apparently, it only took five months to get round to checking it out.

Posted: Thu - February 28, 2008 at 06:02 AM