Comcast not only limits p2p file-sharing - they limit public access to FCC hearing

Democracy in action.

Comcast has acknowledged hiring people to fill seats before the start of a contentious federal hearing on how the company manages its broadband network, allowing its employees to take those seats when the filled-to-capacity hearing started…

Comcast said it hired people to hold seats only after an advocacy group called Free Press urged its backers to attend…

The practice of hiring people to fill seats in advance of public hearings isn’t unknown in Congress and other forums, but Comcast critics said this case was unique.

“First, Comcast was caught blocking the Internet. Now it has been caught blocking the public from the debate,” said Timothy Karr, director of an advocacy campaign…

“The only people cheering Comcast are those paid to do so.”

Congress could give lessons on sleaze to Comcast. Doesn’t make this incident any less obnoxious.

Posted: Wed - February 27, 2008 at 10:14 AM