Couple beat child - didn’t get straight A’s

Old-timey family values, eh?

A couple in Atlanta has pleaded guilty to beating their son for not getting all A’s on his school report card.

42-year-old Jean Pierre Marshall and stepmother, 26-year-old Courtney Marshall, were convicted Monday on one count of first degree cruelty to children and one count of misdemeanor battery…

The district attorney’s office says that when the teacher would not change his grades, Jacob altered his report card himself and when his parents discovered the deception they beat him with a belt and their fists.

The boy fled the house, returning to school barefoot and in torn clothes.

The Marshalls were arrested soon after. The child now lives with his biological mother in Wisconsin.

Some idiots call this “traditional discipline”.

Thanks, K B

Posted: Tue - February 26, 2008 at 11:40 AM