Another Congressional indictment

It never seems to end.

Rep. Rick Renzi, R-Ariz., used his position in Congress to influence a federal land-exchange deal, collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in payoffs…

The 35-count indictment handed up by a federal grand jury in Tucson, Ariz., also accuses Renzi of separately embezzling corporate funds to bankroll his first House campaign.

The indictment makes Renzi the fourth sitting lawmaker to face federal charges since 2005 in the Justice Department’s continuing crackdown on public corruption, and it represents a fresh blow to Congressional Republicans struggling with numerous allegations of ethical wrongdoing in their ranks.

Renzi joins convicted GOP Reps. Randy “Duke” Cunningham of California and Robert Ney of Ohio, as well as Democratic Rep. William Jefferson of Louisiana, who is awaiting trial on bribery charges, as targets of Justice Department prosecution.

A carousel of political thugs. Step right up! Who’s next? Surprised to learn that Renzi is McCain's prez campaign co-chair for AZ?

Posted: Sat - February 23, 2008 at 02:32 PM