Bush judicial appointee gives cross-dressing a bad name

Spend part of an evening outdoors.

Judge Robert Somma’s Mercedes-Benz E320 sedan hit a pick-up truck from behind about 11:29 p.m. on Feb. 6, the police report said. No one was hurt.

Somma, who lives in Newbury, Mass., fumbled in his purse for his driver’s license before handing it to the officer who later arrested him, the police report shows…

But lots of other people did offer those details:

When authorities removed him from the vehicle, they said he wore a black women’s cocktail dress, fishnet stockings and high heels…

The arresting officer reported Somma smelled of alcohol, slurred his speech and fell backwards against the door frame while getting out of his car…

Somma showed his sense of style to the end. He phoned in his resignation from a vacation spot in the Caribbean. If I were him, I think I’d just stay there.

Do you think it was George W’s intent all along to broaden public acceptance of alternative lifestyles?

Thanks, joshua

Posted: Wed - February 20, 2008 at 06:15 AM