Schoolkids’ hamburgers come from a slaughter house recalling 143 million lbs. of beef


The U.S. Department of Agriculture has recalled 143 million pounds of frozen beef from a Southern California slaughterhouse that is being investigated for mistreating cattle.

Officials said it was the largest beef recall in the United States, surpassing a 1999 ban of 35 million pounds of ready-to-eat meats. The amount of beef — 143 million pounds — is roughly enough for two hamburgers for each man, woman and child in the United States.

The federal agency said the recall will affect beef products dating to February 1, 2006, that came from Chino-based Westland/Hallmark Meat Co., which supplies meat to the federal school lunch program and to some major fast-food chains…

Federal officials suspended operations at Westland/Hallmark after an undercover video surfaced showing crippled and sick animals being shoved with forklifts.

Authorities said the video showed workers kicking, shocking and otherwise abusing “downer” animals that were apparently too sick or injured to walk into the slaughterhouse.

As folks noted in the article, once again, the USDA closes the barn door after the cows are out.


Here's a list of brand names & products that are used by the creeps in question.

After I posted this - Sunday night - I learned that our local school district here in Santa Fe has been buying from this slaughterhouse for school lunches, etc.. And states have been buying this beef for seniors' programs, food for the indigent and, of course, food programs for First Nation tribes on reservations around the country.

We should require the country club set to eat this crap, first - before the rest of the public does. That might change a few procedures.

Posted: Sun - February 17, 2008 at 04:46 PM