Hewlett-Packard settles spy suit

Corporate ethics = oxymoron

Bring me their heads!

Hewlett-Packard has agreed to a financial settlement with The New York Times and three BusinessWeek magazine journalists in connection with the company’s spying scandal, which stemmed from its surreptitiously obtaining private phone records…

To trace what Dunn and others considered disloyal and risky leaks from the company’s board, HP retained investigators who engaged in a wide-ranging investigation in 2006. The inquiry involved “pretexting,” a practice that had someone pretending to be someone else to obtain private records from phone companies…

The New York Times said it had pursued a claim against Hewlett-Packard in part to send the message that “corporate misconduct aimed at silencing the press is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.” The Times pursued the claim on Markoff’s behalf, and he did not individually seek compensation.

The Times donated its money from the settlement to groups including the Center for Investigative Reporting and the Investigative Journalism Program at the journalism school of the University of California, Berkeley…

When will they ever learn…?

Posted: Thu - February 14, 2008 at 12:40 PM