Stop, armed police! Put down your MP3 player

They can always use his DNA to identify his body. :-]

Armed police arrested a man listening to his MP3 player and took a sample of his DNA after after a fellow commuter mistook his music player for a gun.

Darren Nixon, 28, had been waiting at a bus stop in Stoke-on-Trent on his way home from work on Saturday afternoon when a woman saw him reach into his pocket and take out his black Phillips MP3 player. She thought it was a pistol and called 999.

Police then tracked Nixon using CCTV. When he got off the bus, armed officers surrounded him. He was then driven to a police station, kept in a cell and had his fingerprints, photograph and DNA taken.

He was freed when Staffordshire police realised it was a false alarm. Nixon will now have his DNA stored on a national database for lifeā€¦

The Liberal Democrats, who are campaigning to have DNA records of innocent people destroyed, say the national DNA database now holds over 3m records which are kept for life, an estimated 125,000 of which belong to people who were neither cautioned or charged.

Ah, but, think of how safe everyone is.

Just plain lousy policing. Mr. Nixon could have been frisked on the spot - determined he was not carrying a weapon. Maybe the the chickenshit voyeur who called the coppers on his could have apologized - along with the coppers. And he could have gone on his merry way.

Instead - these fools had to drag him to jail and run him through the drill assigned to potentially dangerous members of society - even though I don't doubt they'd already ascertained he presented a danger to absolutely no one.

Now, that's criminal behavior.

Posted: Wed - February 13, 2008 at 09:34 AM