Timorous Senate Democrats cave in on Constitutional protections


By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch

If Al Qaeda is fighting us because they hate our freedoms, as President Bush often says, then they’re winning the war. Pretty soon, we won’t have any more freedoms for them to hate.

Scratch the Fourth Amendment off the list of freedoms that we thought we had.

Pressured by a huge lobbying effort by Big Telecom and by fears of being painted as weak on terrorism, the Democratic-controlled Senate has rolled over on your right to privacy, abandoning legislation that would enforce the constitutional requirements of probable cause and due process of law before the phone companies can help the government spy on you by turning over your phone records, emails and other sensitive information…

On Tuesday, the Senate, with the backing of 18 Democrats and every Republican, defeated attempts by Sens. Chris Dodd and Russ Feingold to hold the telecom companies accountable for their past illegal conduct…

Chalk up another victory for the terrorists, who hate our freedom. So too, apparently, does the U.S. government.

Corporate America cares more about obeying politicians than the law. Politicians care more about money and power.

Who's left to care about our liberty?

Posted: Wed - February 13, 2008 at 06:37 AM