So, when are my shows coming back?

Well, a few, anyway.

No more writers on picket lines. No more network TV bosses scrambling for replacement shows.

But enough about them. What about us?

Two simple questions prey on every viewer’s mind: When will my favorite scripted programs be back with new episodes? And, WILL my favorite shows be back..?

- Many hit series (such as ABC’s “Desperate Housewives” and “Grey’s Anatomy,” as well as CBS’ “CSI” trio) will be back this spring for what’s left of the current season, with anywhere from four to seven new episodes. But don’t bet on weaker, “on-the-bubble” shows (NBC’s “Bionic Woman” and CBS’ “Moonlight,” for example) returning until fall, if then.

- And be prepared to muster a little more patience. A minimum of four weeks will be needed for producers to get the first post-strike episode of comedies (such as CBS’ “Two and a Half Men” and NBC’s “My Name Is Earl”) started from scratch and back on the air; a drama will require six to eight weeks from concept to broadcast.

I guess I can survive a few more reruns.

Posted: Tue - February 12, 2008 at 02:48 PM