Students suspended over ‘Safe Sex’ shirts

"Morality" rules reality.

Teenagers in Wood River [Illinois] were suspended from school this week for protesting abstinence-only education, while two local colleges refused condom distribution on campus.

On Monday, eighth-graders Cheyenne Byrd and Victoria Shoemaker came to school wearing tank tops written with “Safe Sex or No Sex” and condom packages pinned to them.

Wood River-East Alton Elementary Superintendent Mark Cappel said the girls were asked to change their shirts, and refused. The girls told him they did not believe the school’s abstinence-only sex education program was enough.

“I explained that they have an avenue to (discuss issues) through character education class meetings held once a month,” Cappel said.

The girls still refused to change their shirts, and thus were suspended for two days for dress code violation and insubordination.

There’s a decent interview with the girls on local TV - including commercials - but, it doesn’t work on all browsers all the time.

Posted: Fri - February 8, 2008 at 10:00 AM