India reflects on intolerance

You go, girl.

Sania Mirza, the most successful tennis star in India, has announced that she has no desire to play in her country any more…

“Every time I play in India, there is a problem,” Mirza, currently ranked 29th in the world and No. 1 in Asia. “Considering all that, I thought it would be better not to play in Bangalore,” she added, explaining her decision to boycott India’s most prestigious tennis tournament, the Bangalore Open, in March.

“In fact, I feel it would be better if I don’t play in the country for some time.”

In December, Mirza, a young Muslim from Hyderabad, was accused by Indian nationalists of desecrating the national flag after she was caught on camera resting her bare feet on a table next to the Indian colors. Earlier that month there was anger from Muslim groups when she filmed an advertisement at a 17th-century mosque in her home town, the southern city of Hyderabad.

Both cases made front page news and triggered two lawsuits. After the flag incident, Mirza was summoned to appear before a court in Bhopal, to answer a case, filed by a private citizen, under the Prevention of Insult to the National Honour Act. The police are pursuing a case of trespass in relation to the filming in the mosque.

Folks presume that electoral democracy equates with individual freedom. Sadly, India has a long way to go.

Posted: Wed - February 6, 2008 at 07:29 AM