Worst Super Tuesday reporting [so far]: “Huckabee wins West Virginia Republican vote”

Reuters doesn't watch CNN.

Here’s the Reuters “result”:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee won the Republican presidential nominating race in West Virginia on Tuesday, defeating John McCain and Mitt Romney in the first of the day’s 24 state contests to pick candidates for the November election, U.S. media projected.

Huckabee, a Baptist preacher, aims to do well among states in the South where evangelicals predominate. He spoke to delegates at the West Virginia state Republican Party convention earlier in the day.

Romney led in the first round of voting but did not have the majority needed to secure a win. Huckabee was projected the winner in the second round.

What happened? Romney and McCain were about even in the first round - and rather than battle it out in the second round, the McCain machine decided it was better to give Huckabee the victory - and all the delegates.

They can sort out the spoils in the back room at the Republican convention. So, officially, McCain got 1% of the “votes”.

Posted: Tue - February 5, 2008 at 05:02 PM