Porn-free “kosher phone” service


Bezeq Israel Telecom, the country’s dominant phone company, has launched a service that would block calls to porn and other “improper” destinations in a bid to attract ultra-Orthodox customers.

Avi Gabbay, Bezeq’s chief executive officer, said at a news conference the company had invested $500,000 on the new “Kosher phone line” service, which initially will be free and has been approved by Israel’s leading rabbis.

He noted that although the main market will be the ultra-Orthodox — who typically live in their own communities and refrain from many secular activities — the service will be open to all.

“Obviously our main customer is the ultra-Orthodox but a lot of parents don’t want their children to be exposed to these kinds of numbers,” said Itamar Harel, vice president of Bezeq’s residential customers division.

I wonder if narrow-minded theology produces the need for such a “service” - or if the narrow-minded are just being opportunistic about offering the service, figuring theology makes a market?

Posted: Mon - February 4, 2008 at 06:47 AM