Predictive driver risk management systems -
What’s that sound like to you?

Spy in the sky.

This whole piece is a press release, of course. Aimed at the people IVOX wants to sell their system to. Maybe you’re someone they might be “managing”?

DriverScore provides an objective measurement of individual driving behavior which, when analyzed and compared to IVOX’s repository of GPS/GIS and accelerometer data, provides an accurate picture of the relative driving performance risk.

“Insurers are increasingly using tools like predictive modeling to be able to limit risks and improve underwriting profitability,” said Kimberly Harris-Ferrante, Research Vice President with Gartner. “Using tools to perform real-time data analysis to predict driving risks and accident likelihood will ultimately help insurers meet these business requirements. Used for fleet insurance, this gives insurers the opportunity to distinguish safe drivers from drivers who are simply accident-free, promoting safer driving and accident prevention…”

IVOX’s DriverScore helps companies to reduce insurance costs through the use of a “black box” device embedded within an individual’s vehicle, which gathers ongoing data measuring a driver’s behavior - including acceleration, braking, lane changes and other actions. This data is then analyzed through algorithms to create a risk-adjusted, objective assessment of driver conduct…

DriverScore can be used as - a determinant for driver hiring and compensation.

Golly gee. We live in a society managed and optimised for greed. That always includes utilising technology offering increased safety and security - and remanding it to increasing profit.

Posted: Mon - February 4, 2008 at 05:52 AM