Pentagon not ready for a domestic attack

Neocon preparedness.

The Pentagon is not prepared to respond to a catastrophic chemical, biological or nuclear attack within the United States, placing Americans at risk, an independent panel reported to Congress.

While the Defense Department conducts exhaustive planning for operations overseas, its planning for possible action inside the United States in response to attacks is inadequate, said the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves.

“We looked at their plans. They’re totally unacceptable,” said commission chairman Arnold Punaro, a retired Marine Corps major general.

“You couldn’t move a Girl Scout unit with the kind of planning they’re doing,” Punaro said of plans drafted by U.S. Northern Command, the part of the military responsible for homeland defense.

The klowns running our government are consistent. They don’t get much of anything else right, either.

Posted: Fri - February 1, 2008 at 09:12 AM