Cripes! Ralph Nader is back to save us, again.

Just what we need. Like jock itch.

“You’re not Christ. You’re not Prince Hamlet.”

Veteran political activist and consumer champion Ralph Nader, blamed by the Democrats for costing them the tight 2000 elections…is mulling a 2008 bid for the White House.

He told AFP that he had launched a presidential exploratory committee “to test the waters to see if we can get enough contributions and resources, such as skilled staff” to run as an independent candidate.

Nader told AFP he wanted to fight “the injustices, deprivations and insolutions that the candidates are ignoring” such as failing to address the need for a living wage, health care for all and the “enormous, bloated, wasteful military budget…” and vehemently rejected the title of “spoiler.”

“It is a title that is never applied to a Democrat or a Republican. It is only applied to a third party candidate,” he said.

Which is a crock.

Independents are free to express themselves inside - and outside - the two establishment political parties. After eight years of Bush League rule, the last thing we need is another messiah.

I've spent a half-century dedicated to truly independent politics. Virtually all outside the two Tweedledee-dum parties. That doesn't mean I don't recognize situations when supporting one or the other is essential.

Nader's messianic approach only serves to keep him popular with the sectarian few - and Republikans - who want him to dilute votes against continuation of Bush League politics.

Posted: Thu - January 31, 2008 at 08:16 AM