Pope warns against “seductive” science

Papal progress. Almost up to the early 19th Century.

Pope Benedict has warned of the “seductive” powers of science that relegate man’s spirituality, reviving the science-versus-religion debate which recently forced him to cancel a speech after student protests.

“In an age when scientific developments attract and seduce with the possibilities they offer, it’s more important than ever to educate our contemporaries’ consciences so that science does not become the criteria for goodness,” he told scientists…

The Pope reiterated a plea, made in many speeches since he was elected in 2005, for mankind to be “respected as the centre of creation” and not relegated by more short-term interests.

But the conservative German-born Pope’s public stand on issues such as abortion and embryonic stem-cell research lead critics to accuse him of holding antiquated views on science.

Why lend credence to an ideology which approaches reality as a myth - and myth as reality.

Posted: Tue - January 29, 2008 at 08:57 AM